- Working groupsHide
The Research Centre for Consumer Law includes various working groups(Arbeitsgruppe, "AG")that focus on all kinds of questions regarding consumer law:
AG Informationspflichten (information obligation)
Responsible: Shane McNamee
AG Kundendatenschutz (consumer data protection)
Responsible: Dipl.-Jur. Carmen Langhanke, Wirtschaftsjuristin (Univ. Bayreuth)
AG Rechtsdurchsetzung (law enforcement)
Responsible: Malte Kramme
AG Digitale Welt (digital world)
Responsible: Shane McNamee
AG Bau- und Bauträgerrecht (construction and building contractor law)
Responsible: Malte Kramme
Den Bericht der ersten Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe vom 13./14. Februar 2014 finden Sie hier.AG Finanzdienstleistungen und Anlegerschutz (financial srvices and investor protection)
Responsible: Dipl.-Jur. Isabel Gläser
AG Reisende und Personenbeförderung (travellers and passenger transport)
Responsible: Mgr Grzegorz Russek
AG Energie (energy/power)
Responsible: Shane McNamee
AG Makler und andere Intermediäre (brokers and other intermediaries)
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Martin Schmidt-Kessel
AG Unentgeltlichkeit (non-remuneration)
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Martin Schmidt-Kessel
- PublicationsHide
A list of publications of the Research Centre for Consumer Law can be found here.
- Focus area "Innovation and Consumer Protection"Hide
Innovation and Consumer Protection (iuv) is a research focus area at the universtiy of Bayreuth. It is based on a link between research in the fields of innovation and consumer protection, that is unique in the German, as well as the international, research landscape.
It is drawn upon a the strong research infrastructure given at the University of Bayreuth.Noteworthy are the DFG gradutate college "Geistiges Eigentum und Gemeinheit" (intellectual property and general public), the research centres and institutions as well as other institutions like the business research centre for the mid tier (BF/M). The focus area "iuv" offers an exceptional environment for supporting excellent junior scientists and scientics with the particular "Bayreuth imprinting" that is based on interdisciplinary openness.
The Homepage of the focus area can be found here. - Network Consumer ResearchHide
The Network Consumer Research "Netzwerk Verbraucherforschung" was founded on 24th November 2011 by the German Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz). It consists of researchers of diverse disciplines, such as sociology, economics and law, who are working together on providing an interdiciplinary consumer research.
The focus lies on the consumer and the topics of research follow their interests and needs. For instance, it is scientifically analysed, to what extent markets and offers for consumers are transparent and accessible and whether they could use more advice for specific decisions. The primar target is to empower consumers. Results of research are going to be an independent scientific basis for the consumer politics of the Federal Ministry.
As a member of the coordinating body of the Network Consumer Research Professor Schmidt-Kessel will participate in prospective activities, the identification of focus topics and the determination of the content of future expert forums and other conferences.
More informationen is provided here.